Returns and Exchanges

Can I return the product if I am not happy?

Avssalesonline wants you to be happy with your purchase from us. If you are not completely satisfied, you can return the product to us, depending on the product and what it is, and we will either repair/replace it, or issue a voucher depending on the reason for the return of the item. Once you receive your order, you need to notify us immediately of any dissatisfaction, once we are made aware of the issue, you have 7 days to return it for exchange, credit or refund depending on the circumstances of the return.

Kindly note the following: The actual product needs to be received back at Avssalesonline in the original condition (unless it has been received damaged, faulty or incorrect). And the courier charges are to be carried by yourself. If the product's outer packaging is unsealed, we may charge you a 15% handling fee. Please include your order number and contact details inside the returned parcel, all games, electronics, baby items, toys, health or beauty products need to be returned unopened/unsealed.

What is the return policy?

Personally inspect packaging and note any damage on the receiving ticket before signing for the delivery. If you have not opened the package/s, state “unchecked” next to your name. Please report any shortages or damages within 24 hours from the date of receiving your merchandise in writing via e-mail. Explain the problem or defect and include any photographs if possible so that we may best assist you. It may be that only a replacement part is required instead of shipping the complete product back to us, which will be issued at our own discretion. All merchandise is inspected before despatch and, should it be returned, will be inspected upon arrival at our end. Any returned items must be in the original condition with packaging and literature intact or in suitable similar packaging. Please enclose a copy of the original invoice and a letter stating the reason for return. Please e-mail us first to advise us about the defect, should you wish to return goods with defects or damages in transit. Please do not write on the box or deface the product packaging. Subsequently if it is found that the returned merchandise is not defective or damaged, the customer will be liable for all shipping costs. Avssalesonline will not swap out products that have been tampered with or abused. Avssalesonline will not be held liable to replace dead batteries in products and the onus is on the client to replace batteries regularly on the electronic products. Exchanges will not made for products with dead batteries. All guarantees are immediately null and void should any equipment or product be tampered with or should the seals on it be broken by anyone, or should there be any signs of abuse, or should the goods be operated outside the Manufacturers specifications. If an order is cancelled which was by credit card or Paypal, Avssalesonline reserves the rights to charge the 5% banking fee and deduct this off the refund to the client.